Crystals, Stones, Jewellery


Wisdom keepers, holding thousands, or even millions of years of the Earths history within them.

Ancient civilisations have worked with the vibrational energy of the Earth since the beginning of time, finding guidance from the resources that naturally evolve right under their feet.

This being shared and discovered, it is no wonder that when a stone or piece of crystal jewellery feels ‘right’, it extends far beyond the superficial!
Attaching to and working with a stone can shift your energy, in a hugely positive way…

(Revisit this BLOG POST if you want to explore how to work with stones). 
Below, we have curated a list of our quick tips on how to know which piece(s) to choose?


1. Don’t just buy it to make your space look ‘cool’ and boho like Pinterest. It’s more about feels than looks. Luckily, crystals offer both benefits.

2. Be patient and wait for them to find you. When you have the ‘this is it’ connection, you know that’s the right stone for you in that moment – regardless of whether it matches your mind’s choice. Intuition, it’s the key. And stones have a funny way of finding you!

3. Trust : that the stone you are drawn to visually, possesses the exact energy you need. You don’t need to be a walking encyclopaedia of crystal definitions to know when a piece feels right.

4. Gifted : the right stones tend to fall into your hands as a gift. Cherish them.

5. If you can find your piece in person – you can hold it. And this is lucky. You’ll then be able to truly connect with its energetic effect on you.

Then once you have your stone, cleanse it, set your intention, incorporate it into your daily life. Appreciate your piece(s). Don’t discard the power in what cannot be seen with the eyes.  Trust in what can be felt with the heart.


Want more information on crystals? Or do you have an inspiring crystal story?

Share below!