through the lens with danielle doby


If you don’t know her or her Instagram account (@iamhertribe) of more than 100k followers(!) that inspires people with her captivating words, you are missing out. We are ecstatic to be featuring Danielle Doby in our ‘‘Through the Lens‘ series, features where we talk to inspiring women who are living in alignment with their own yearnings and desires.

Women who are powerful within their own beliefs and by just ‘showing up’ as themselves, inspire many others to dig deeper and get to know themselves too.

So let’s dive in….


Who is Danielle Doby? 

the truest, most powerful description of me is– i am all heart.


And in this moment, how do you spend your days?

i am currently in the practice of fluidity. every day is different for me, and i honor the ever-changing by giving myself the gift of a lightly structured, yet intentional, schedule. while i do take daily commitments, i also make sure to have plenty of space that allows me to follow my feelings and acknowledge where my body and energy are that day.


Talk to us about ‘heart space’. What does living from this source, the place mean?

my heart space is the direct channel to how i am able to connect to the world around me– the way i move, the way i breathe, the way i speak, the way i create, it’s all an extension of this space.


How does it feel when you are disconnected from your heart?

heavy. small. half-full. misaligned. inauthentic.


through the lens with danielle doby


Writing and poetry seems to be a major artistic expression for yourself in this moment. You are followed by over 100k people on Instagram.  How did you land here?

one day i decided that the pain from pushing aside my voice outweighed my fear of not belonging, so i chose to let my story exist outside of myself. it wasn’t until i could get real with myself, could i actually get real with the art i was creating.

the deeper i stepped into my truth, the more universal i found my story to be. the more i shared, the more i discovered that my struggles were other’s struggles, my pain was other people’s pain, my hopes and dreams also lived in the hearts of those around me. somewhere along the way i stopped being so scared of myself and learned that art holds the power to create those “wow, me too” moments of connection. art builds community.


through the lens with danielle doby


What inspires you to continue to share your musings with the world?

not using my voice would be equivalent to not breathing for me.  i am here to take up space in this world, and it’s through living in this choice, i invite others to expand with me.


If you were to share wisdom on how to live from heart – what would your tips be?

find what it means to belong to yourself, what it means to really choose yourself. when the love that you so deeply desire comes along one day, you will wholeheartedly believe that you deserve it, because you are able to give that same love to yourself, first.


through the lens with danielle doby


When you are caught up in your head or just really busy / distracted in life, how do you get back to earth (and into your body)?

it doesn’t matter where i am in the world or what i am doing, i take off my shoes and dig my feet into the earth to ground myself through the very tips of my toes.


Do you have a favorite ritual?

i hold on a few seconds longer when i feel the other person start to pull away when i am hugging them. it is the space that straddles the line between comfort zone and almost-too-long-let-go-of-me.

through the lens with danielle doby


Danielle’s words feel like a deep exhale. So honest and felt.


Where you can find Danielle –

Instagram :: @iamhertribe

Photos provided by Danielle Doby


Are you living in alignment with your HEART?

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