I PROMISE RING. Tiny, yet potent.


Gold Band, Wedding Ring, Online Jewellery


“She’s a little beaten, a little uneven; she’s solid and she feels warm on the hand – like she has already been with you for years. She is called the I PROMISE ring. 

Whether this ring is to be an intentional reminder of the promise(s) that you are making to yourself, or as gesture that symbolises those you love. I.e. Birthstones of family.

 Each piece is personalised as you can choose to include up to 4 x 1mm tiny yet potent stones to be set on the inside of your band – there they will sit like a hidden message just for you.”


You can choose between 14k yellow gold, 14k rose gold or a 14k white gold variation.

Not all gemstones are suitable for this inclusion due to their (low) hardness / durability.

Below is the list of natural gemstone choices in alphabetical order and just a few words to describe each…. plus, the month of birth (birthstones) that they each represent.

** There are so many wonderful resources on the meaning behind stones ~ you can also do your own extensive research and attach your own meaning. Or just follow your intuitive pull. 


Amethyst (February)

Meaning: Inner Peace

Purification, Protection, Connection.


Aquamarine (March)

Meaning: Release

Harmonising, Soothing, Calming.


Black Spinel (August)

Meaning: Revitalisation

Release, Detoxification, Inspiration.


Citrine (November)

Meaning: Abundance

Energising, Vitality, Manifestation.


Emerald (May)

Meaning: Harmony

Heart, Love, Hope, Fertility.


Garnet (January)

Meaning: Nourishment

Self-worth, Sincerity, Prosperity.


Diamond (April)

Meaning: Clarity

Radiance, Sovereignty, Purity.


Ruby (July)

Meaning: Life Force

Energising, Vitality, Manifestation.


Sapphire || Blue (September)

Meaning: Activation

Awareness, Wisdom, Discipline.


Sapphire || Pink (September)

Meaning: Love

Acceptance, Vulnerability, Resilience.


Sapphire || White (September)

Meaning: Discernment 

Awareness, Clarity, Strength.


Smoky Quartz (June)

Meaning: Grounding

Detoxification, Clarity, Focus.


Topaz || Blue (December)

Meaning: Expression

Communication, Knowledge, Stimulation.


Tourmaline || Pink (October)

Meaning: Unconditional Love

Emotional Healing, Joy, Happiness.



JANUARY || Garnet 

FEBRUARY || Amethyst

MARCH || Aquamarine

APRIL || Diamond

MAY || Emerald

JUNE || Smoky Quartz

JULY || Ruby

AUGUST || Black Spinel

SEPTEMBER || Sapphire

OCTOBER || Pink Tourmaline

NOVEMBER || Citrine



Gold band, Gold ring