Crystals at a Glance – LABRADORITE


labradorite, online jewellery


In our Crystals at a Glance series we provide you with a brief overview of some of our favorite crystals (more insight on Garnet and Rose Quartz here and here). Precious from Mama Earth that we incorporate as part of our designs. With thousands of years of evolution and history, these stones add so much meaning into our daily lives.

We love holding / wearing a piece of this magical planet. We hope that when you purchase Violet Gray jewellery and stones that you cherish these talisman for years to come.

** If you are brand new to the world of stones / crystals and interested in learning about how to work with crystal energies, visit our Intention based guide here.

Remember, your feelings and connection to a particular crystal or piece of jewellery should be the primary determinants of  your relationship with it.

(More insight here)


Let’s meet the mystical stone that is LABRADORITE.


Labradorite, Crystals, Jewellery


Name: Labradorite

Name Origin: ‘Labradorite‘ originates from the location where this precious stone was found, the east coast of Labrador Peninsula in Canada in the early 19th Century. The suffix ‘ite‘ denotes the forming of a name, so ‘Labradorite’ is a stone of Labrador.

Found: Typically found in Canada, but is also found around the world – including Russia, the USA and Finland.  

Core Message: Magic, Protection, Strength, Self-Discovery.

Colour: Labradorite comes in a variety of colours including pale green, blue, grey-white, brownish, yellow, and colourless. It can be dark, until it catches the light, and then you notice the iridescent blue or gold flashes.

Birthstone: Traditionally not considered a birthstone, Labradorite can be used as the stone for people born as a Sagittarius (22nd of November – 21 of December).

Spiritual Benefits: Encourages trust in the Universe and awakens one’s innate magical powers. Labradorite energises the imagination and stimulates intuition and psychic gifts. It is believed to assist one in ‘moving between realities or realms’. 

Emotional Benefits: A talisman that’s beneficial for banishing insecurities and strengthening faith in oneself. It is a companion through change / transformation / discovery.

Physical Benefits: Helpful in calming an overactive mind and grounding oneself back in the present moment. Relieves stress and is believed to be beneficial for disorders of the eyes and brain.


Labradorite, Crystals, Jewellery

Labradorite, Crystals, Jewellery


To learn more about Labradorite and other precious stones (and their core energetic properties), you can peruse our extensive Crystal Directory.


Have you connected with this stone? We love to hear your stories.

Share below! 


Stone Photo Sources (left to right): SageandSynergy // Bliss Crystals (Etsy) // AdornaJoy Gems (Etsy)